Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Confetti: I Just Couldn't Wait!

I was planning on waiting until next week to start blogging about letter of the week activities because this week is “Z” and next week we are starting up with the letter “A.” I thought with would be a good idea to start at the very beginning (because as Buttons mentioned in her last post, it’s a very good place to start). But I was so proud of my W, X, Y, and Z challenge! So I thought maybe I should post some highlights from those now since I don’t want to wait a whole year to post them (we do two weeks of each letter).

So here it goes…


Walrus Puppets!!! Look at these!

Before I made the puppets with the kids I showed my (incredibly creative and brilliant) boyfriend the sample and he said “it’s too bad you don’t have watermelon seeds for the nose…” I thought it was the best idea ever and guess what I actually did have in my supply closet? YEP! Watermelon seeds (pretty impressive, I thought)! So here are some walrus puppets with whiskers, wood tusks, and watermelon seed noses!!!


OK, I promise I do things other than puppets, but I do a different puppet every week and I loved the walrus and I love this one. X week is quite the challenge for puppets but check out this guy! This is Xavier the Pirate and he says “ARRRG, X marks the spot.”

This was a little bit tedious because I was planning for about 30 but it wasn’t too bad. I pre-cut all the pieces and put them in the bags before the program so as children came up I could just give them a bag and they could assemble them. Certain things they could do themselves like I brought yarn for hair and sequins for jewelry out if they wanted to get extra creative.

Not going to lie, Xavier may be one of the proudest moments in my paper bag puppet career!


Yo-yo painting…I LOVE this. I got the idea from I went out and bought several pair of those knee high pantyhose that come in the eggs for something like 33 cents a pair (keep those eggs, they are great for storing things like, well, watermelon seeds for example). Fill the toe with dry beans and make a knot. I taped a big piece of butcher paper (although I found it exhausting if you use paper that’s too big) to the floor and put a couple colors of washable tempera paint on paper plates. Dip the bean-filled pantyhose toe into the paint and then bounce it up and down (like a yo-yo) on the butcher paper.

It looked SO COOL!

We are going to be doing this activity again around Christmas time to make wrapping paper...Buttons, get ready, your Christmas gift will probably be wrapped in it! J


Zoom! Zebra! Painting. Honestly, by "Z" week, I am about over the hard letter and ready to get to A! But here's something fun for Z week. I just printed out a big letter "Z" (I put our logo on it hence the weird spot), had the children cut it out and glue it to a sheet of black construction paper and then we "zoomed" our toy cars through black and white paint and all over our paper. It would have looked cooler if my toy cars had different tires, but it was pretty fun!

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